Coaching and Mentoring Agreement


This is an opportunity for you to receive high-level coaching from a holistic and Tantric perspective, as well as empowerment, purpose, and wealth mentoring for entrepreneurs. Please carefully read the following, and sign at the designated area.This agreement is between the client (”Client”) and Coach/Mentor, namely Anne Bland (”Coach/Mentor”), regarding services provided by the coach. This Agreement (“Agreement”) applies to all services provided by the Coach/Mentor to the Client.


When I receive coaching or mentoring, I am aware and agree to the following terms:

I agree to show up 100% for this experience, attending all my agreed personal one-on-one sessions.

I agree that sessions will begin and end at the appointed times, even if I was late in joining the session. The sessions last 60 minutes.

I understand that personal transformation outcomes can be subjective and vary greatly depending upon individual circumstances and individual effort invested in the process and practice.

I understand that participating in transformational experiences such as this entails risks and challenges associated with an intensive program of personal, spiritual, and business development, including - but not limited to - physical, mental, or emotional distress that may accompany significant life and business changes. By signing this Agreement, I am freely and voluntarily assuming the risks arising from my participation (including risks that cannot be foreseen at this time).

I take full responsibility for my personal health, my well-being, my actions and decisions, my personal care and my business or project during my engagement of this agreement and thereafter.

I agree to be mindful of my own well-being during the programme and seek medical treatment (including, but not limited to, psychotherapy), and financial and legal advice, if needed. Coach/Mentor does not provide medical, therapy, psychotherapy, legal or financial services. Coach/Mentor is not responsible for any decisions I make because of the coaching/mentoring and any consequences thereof. I understand that coaching/mentoring is not psychology or legal or financial advising and that my coach/mentor is not a psychotherapist or practicing psychotherapy with me or is not a legal or financial adviser.

I understand that to enhance this relationship, I agree to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance, and create the time and energy to participate fully in the programme. 

I understand that Coach/Mentor will be available by email and Telegram ( between scheduled meetings as defined by the Coach/Mentor. Coach/Mentor may also be available for additional coaching or mentoring time should I require it outside the agreed programme for an agreed fee.

I agree to pay for my sessions in advance unless there is an agreed payment plan.

I agree to pay any VAT or other taxes that may need to be added to the fees with prior notice from the Coach/Mentor.

If I have to cancel or reschedule a session, I agree to do it at least 48 hours in advance or the cancellation fee may be 100%.

I understand that if for some reason there is a need to discontinue this Agreement by either party, it will be done two weeks in advance and there is an opportunity to receive a 50% refund.

I agree not to institute or attempt to institute any legal action, arbitration, demand or proceeding against any member of Anne Bland’s team or Coach/Mentor upon any Released Claim, arising from or related to this Agreement. In addition, I will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Anne Bland, Selfishly Happy, Evoke Your Mastermind, members of her team, and Coach/Mentor from and against any losses, claims, liabilities, expenses or damages, including attorneys’ fees and costs, incurred in connection with the defence of any Released Claim or any other breach of your obligations under this Agreement.

Confidentiality and Privacy

This coaching or mentoring relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that the Client shares with the Coach/Mentor is bound by the principles of confidentiality and privacy determined by the ICF Code of Ethics, the GDPR law by the EU and the Privacy Policy.

However, the Client needs to be aware that the Coach/Mentor-Client relationship is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like the medical and legal professions), and thus, communications are not subject to the protection of any legally recognised privilege.
The Coach/Mentor agrees not to disclose any information about the Client without the Client’s written consent and will not disclose the Client’s name as a reference without the Client’s consent.

Contact Details

Email: annebland @

Telephone: +44 7 380 408 074


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